Jogye Order News 11 Page

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Jogye Order News Jogye Order News
Jogye Order News
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Jogye Order News List
Number Title By Date Views
666 The Banquet of Ingaksa Jogye 06-14 6544
665 The 8th International Exchange Community of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism was launched at 11am, May 30, 2019 (B.E. 2563) Jogye 05-31 6931
664 Haein-sa Temple, Ready to Welcome Foreign Guests to Templestay Jogye 05-31 6626
663 Foreign Buddhist Leaders Joined the 2019 Lotus Lantern Festival Jogye 05-27 5998
662 Children’s Day Made More Meaningful Due to Buddha’s Birthday Festivity Traditional Cultural Fair to commemorate Buddha’s Birthday, B.E. 2563 Jogye 05-23 6886
661 United as One in 'EDM’ on Buddha’s Birthday Grand finale of the Lantern Festival, Intangible National Cultural Asset No. 122. Jogye 05-23 7338
660 “I wish I can Bring the Lotus Lantern Parade to Croatia!” Croatian Ambassador to Seoul Damir Kusen gushing about the parade, “Wonderful!” Jogye 05-22 12901
659 Congratulatory Remarks Jogye 05-07 6296
658 Dharma Talk in celebration of Buddha’s Birthday Buddhist Era 2563 Jongjeong, Supreme Patriarch Jinje of the Jogye Order of Korea Buddhism Jogye 05-07 6350
657 Majestic Lantern Ignited in Celebration of Buddha’s Birthday Amid Prayers Wishing for Buddha’s Compassion to Light the Whole World Jogye 04-23 6544
656 Jogye Order Department of Education Publishes a Great Book of Seon Quotes Jogye 04-16 7502
655 2019 Yeon Deung Hoe (Lotus Lantern Festival) Schedule Jogye 04-15 6456
654 Chinese Ambassador Falls in Love with Temple Cuisine Jogye 04-02 7089
653 2019 Korean religious Leaders’ Pilgrimage to Buddhist Holy Sites Jogye 03-25 8094
652 Sansa, Buddhist Mountain Monasteries in Korea Jogye 02-13 8648
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