Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism

The Jogye Order takes the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha as its foundation. Its three principal tenets include: to directly point to one’s mind; to see into one’s own true nature and become a buddha; and to propagate the dharma to save all beings.
The foundational scriptures for the Jogye Order are the Diamond Sutra and the teachings of generations of patriarchs. With Seon meditation as its foundation, the Jogye Order has embraced other practices such as reading sutras, chanting buddhas’ names, and reciting mantras, establishing a tradition of syncretic Buddhism.
As institutions of Buddhist practice to actualize the Jogye Order’s tenets and traditions, seven chongnims(comprehensive monastic training complexes) were established: Haein Chongnim (Haeinsa Temple), Jogye Chongnim (Songgwangsa Temple), Yeongchuk Chongnim (Tongdosa Temple), Deoksung Chongnim (Sudeoksa Temple), Palgong Chongnim (Donghwasa Temple), Geumjeong Chongnim (Beomeosa Temple), and Ssanggye Chongnim (Ssanggyesa Temple). As major institutions for Buddhist practice, the Jogye Order has about 100 Seon centers, including: the Special Seon Center of the Jogye Order at Bongamsa Temple, Geumdang Seonwon at Donghwasa Temple, Cheongnyang Seonwon at Sangwonsa Temple, and Mugeum Seonwon at Baekdamsa Temple. At these Seon centers, about 2,000 monks and nuns immerse themselves in Seon practice during the 90-day summer and winter retreats where they are not allowed to leave the temple compound.
The Jogye Order operates its religious body based on its own constitution which is grounded in the Buddhadharma and rules of the Vinaya. The Supreme Patriarch is the highest authority for transmitting the Order's traditions, and its President represents and oversees the administration of the Order. These two officials manage the operations of the Order based on its religious constitution. The working-level management of the Order’s operations are performed by three central religious affairs institutions: the Bureau of General Affairs, Bureau of Monastic Education, and Bureau of Dharma Propagation. These three bureaus are housed at Jogyesa Temple in Jongno-gu, Seoul, which functions as the Order’s central headquarters. In addition, the Central Council (the legislative body), and Religious Tribunal (the judiciary body) take care of their respective duties. And 25 district head temples located across Korea oversee the operation of 3,000 branch temples and city centers.
The Association of Korean Buddhist Orders has 30 members. Of these, the Jogye Order is the largest and the one which inherited the authentic tradition of Korean Buddhism. The Jogye Order has 13,000 monks and nuns, of which 2,000 attend the intensive meditation retreats twice a year. These 3-month practice periods are called the summer retreat (haangeo) and winter retreat (dong-angeo).
A look at Korea’s cultural heritage more clearly reveals the stature of the Jogye Oder. Of the 980 Buddhist temples recognized by the government as having historic significance, over 80% of them belong to the Jogye Order. In addition, more than 60% of Korea’s cultural properties, designated as national treasures and general treasures, are categorized as Buddhist in origin.
The Jogye Order operates 100 Seonwon (Seon center), institutions exclusively for dedicated Seon practice, and 1,000 monastics currently study Buddhist scriptures and tenets at the Order’s 14 monastic colleges. At present, the Jogye Order manages one elementary school, 11 middle schools, 12 high schools and 2 universities for public education. Dongguk University, operated by the Jogye Order, was founded in 1906, and currently has more than 18,000 students enrolled.