Dedication of Ritual Texts and Audio CD of the Thousand Eyes and Hands Sutra > Jogye Order News

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English | Dedication of Ritual Texts and Audio CD of the Thousand Eyes and Hands Sutra

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Author Jogye On14-09-16 14:56 Views19,394 Comments1


Dedication for the Standardization of Ritual Texts and Audio CD of the Thousand Eyes and Hands Sutra
A step forward in the propagation of Korean ritualistic chanting
The Jogye Order Bureau of Missionary Activities and the Ritual Committee is propagating the Korean version of various traditional chants and ceremonies
“We now pledge ourselves to promote practice of Korean chanting through this dedication ceremony of the Korean Thousand Eyes and Hands Sutra. We entreat to shine a mirror of wisdom on this significant and historic event. May the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas show compassion, and let them empower and enlighten us.”
Venerable Inmook, the Chairman of the Ritual Committee, made a written vow to the Buddha during the ceremony held at the main hall of the Jogyesa Temple, Seoul, on June 19, 2014.
The ritual texts and the CDs went through sixteen deliberations by the Ritual Committee and consents by the Central Council of the Jogye Order, finally receiving approval in December, 2013. In addition, the ceremony held by the Bureau of Missionary Activities and the Ritual Committee of the Jogye Order was arranged for the speedy propagation and use of standardized Korean chanting. 
“The CDs of the Standardized Korean Recitation Texts” not only includes the Korean version of the Thousand Eyes and Hands Sutra approved as a standard ritual of the Jogye Order, but also the Korean versions of the Heart Sutra, the Homage to the Three Jewels, and many other chants.
The Bureau of Missionary Activities plans to disseminate the text of the Korean Thousand Eyes and Hands Sutra and CDs not only within Jogye Order temples, but other neighboring Buddhist Orders, propagation and practice centers. The Bureau plans to encourage the members of the Sangha and Buddhists to uphold the chants and recite them regularly. The standardized version of the Korean Heart Sutra, the Homage to the Three Jewels, and the Thousand Hands Sutra which are read with reverence during various Buddhist services, are now made into books and CDs. Therefore, dissemination of these sutras is expected not only to popularize the Korean chants which summarize the Dharma, but be of great reform and innovation for the culture of Korean Buddhist faith and practices.

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Jogye On

My name is Bo Gak Sunim. My temple is in the USA. May I receive the materials below please?
Mani Kamsahamnida! _/|\_
The Bureau of Missionary Activities plans to disseminate the text of the Korean Thousand Eyes and Hands Sutra and CDs not only within Jogye Order temples, but other neighboring Buddhist Orders, propagation and practice centers. The Bureau plans to encourage the members of the Sangha and Buddhists to uphold the chants and recite them regularly.

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