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Author Jogye On14-09-16 14:57 Views32,652 Comments0


The 35th Japan-Korea Buddhist Cultural Exchange Conference
Promoting the education of young people through Buddhist cultivation
A question was proposed during the Japan-Korean Buddhist Cultural Exchange Conference as to how best to encourage the education of young people in this modern world where everything is rapidly changing. Both Korean and Japanese Buddhist orders must take this issue more seriously and work towards educating the Buddhist youth, in order to help them build their characters and learn the spirit of Buddhism.
The conference was held from June 9 to 12 in Kurume City, Jendouji, on Kyushu Island, Japan. The most venerable Jaseung, president of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism  and the most venerable Miyabashi Shogyen, president of the Japan-Korea Buddhist Exchange Conference, adopted a joint statement, praying for the victims of the Sewol Ferry disaster and the earthquake victims of Eastern Japan.
Around 250 Buddhist leaders participated in this year’s conference with various programs such as an academic conference with the theme “Buddhist Concepts and the Education of Youth,” prayers for world peace, worshipping at Nan-Jo-In, and a welcoming reception. The ceremony praying for world peace consisted of an opening statement, congratulatory speeches, conference address, prayers, and a Buddhist ceremony held by members of the Japanese Buddhist orders at 11 a.m. on June 10, 2014. During the conference address, the most venerable Jaseung, president of the Japan-Korean Buddhist Cultural Exchange Conference made an earnest prayer that the two countries’ Buddhism may further develop and prosper.

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