English | Celebratory Dharma Speech for Buddha's Birthday B.E 2568(2024)
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Author Jogye On24-05-16 05:00 Views1,257 Comments0Related links
Having Manifested on Earth to Demonstrate a True Life!
Unsurpassed king of great dharma!
You are neither short nor tall.
Inherently you are neither black nor white, but
you manifest in the color appropriate to the situation.
The coming of the Buddha to this secular world is truly a rare event this world seldom experiences, and it is a cause for celebration that shines the light of wisdom onto the secular world.
The Buddha came to this Earth to guide all living beings to live the life of a buddha, a true life they can attain by utilizing their inherent buddha wisdom and virtue.
The Buddha encouraged us to resolve confrontation and conflict with harmony, to control greed and ignorance with purity, and to practice paramitas for the happiness of all living beings.
If we recognize and utilize the inherent wisdom and virtue we all have, we can live a more generous, more prosperous, and happier life. If we live in harmony, just as all rivers from all over the world merge as one into the sea, everyone will come together as one, and live with great compassion based on the spirit that all beings are one. By living a pure life, one experiences not only the cessation of anxiety and fear, but also the resolution of confrontation and conflict. When living a pure life, everyone trusts each other and becomes one. Practicing paramitas is the best way to use crisis as an opportunity to grow and expand the foundation of life.
To show us the best way to live, the Buddha came to this Earth. In order to become a person of great wisdom and great freedom, a person not deceived by illusions, and a person who cares for all living beings, we must praise his coming to the Earth and practice his teachings.
The king of dharma fulfills both the dharma of the temporal and the absolute.
The thundering wind blows, causing the sea and the mountains to sway.
At the sound of the thunder, all clouds disperse.
Now that I am home, I realize that I was never truly on a journey.
On the Buddha's Birthday, 2568 Buddhist Era (2024 CE)
Jungbong Seongpa
Supreme Patriarch, Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism