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Author Jogye On11-10-27 13:33 Views15,695 Comments0


 Most Ven. Jaseung’s Pilgrimage to Italy 
“Proposal for Peaceful Coexistence in the World

<Photo: The Most Venerable Jaseung met with Pope Benedict last December, 2010. Ven. Jaseung departed from Korea on October 26th to attend “World Peace Prayer Day” in Assisi, Italy. Photo courtesy by Vatican Press Office>
In order to promote interreligious exchange and peace in the world, the Most Venerable Jaseung (President, Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism) departed from Incheon International Airport on 26th October on his way to attend the ‘Day of Reflection and Prayer for Peace’ hosted by Pope Benedict XVI. Over 300 representatives from various world religious traditions will participate in the event taking place from October 26~28 in Assisi, Italy with the theme “Pilgrims of truth, pilgrims of peace”. This ‘Day of reflection, dialogue and prayer for peace and justice in the world’ will remind people that every human is on pilgrimage in search of truth and goodness and that we must have strong conviction to make this a reality.
The prayer meeting is to commemorate 25th anniversary of the first meeting, as suggested by the late Pop John Paul II. This is the third meeting followed by the second meeting which took place in 2002. In particular, Ven. Jaseung on his World Peace Prayer speech will appeal for fraternity for peace, culture, and sharing on behalf of world Buddhists around the world. Moreover, Ven. will also suggest in his speech that we place compassion and love into practice in order to help the marginalized and those suffering to attain happiness and peace.
The main speakers including Ven. Jaseung, were limited to 10 religious leaders from different faiths. Representatives will participate in other activities such as prayer in silence, pilgrimage walk, discussion with Pope Benedict XVI, and dinner banquet, etc. Ven. Jaseung plans to return on October 29th, 2011.
Headquarter of Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism stated, “Ven. Jaseung is very interested and active in interfaith exchanges, but participating in this World Peace Prayer Day goes well beyond a simple exchange between different faiths. It is to promote world peace and to establish status and role of Korean Buddhism globally in order to enhance harmony between religions.

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