A Hot Summer Day’s ‘Sharing Event’ by Ven. Jaseung and Administrative Staffs from the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism > Jogye Order News

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English | A Hot Summer Day’s ‘Sharing Event’ by Ven. Jaseung and Administrative Staffs from the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism

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Author Jogye On11-08-01 13:19 Views14,918 Comments0


<Pic. The most Ven. Jaseung and employees from the Headquarters of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism personally delivered rice and water melon to 200 villagers at Baeksa village, Seoul>


     A meaningful day for the volunteers at Baeksa village, JunggyeCity in Seoul


     Last July 22nd, the most Ven. Jaseung together with the volunteers from the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism personally delivered bags of rice and water melons to 200 villagers at Baeksa village, Seoul. While delivering these goods, they also patiently listened and comforted the villagers with their difficult life circumstances. In addition, the volunteers provided other compassionate support, such as repairing houses that are at the risk of collapsing.


     Out of 5 efforts to demonstrate ‘Resolution for introspection and reform’, this volunteer effort was first initiated to demonstrate Buddhism’s aim to share with those in needs. These Buddhists volunteers worked hard to alleviate the pains of people living in harsh living conditions in Seoul. Approximately 200 recipients with the most basic living conditions received food supplies, such as water melon and bags of rice.


     Located at the foothills of the BulamsanMountain (Junggye-dong, Nowon-gu in Seoul), a small village exists which is known to many Koreans as ‘The Moon Village’. This village is the last of the low income village with over 1,200 low-income families about to face house demolition. Last May, this village was selected to undergo redevelopment housing project.


    The villagers are made up mostly of elderly people. On July 22nd, around 10:00 a.m., Ven. Jaseung and volunteers arrived at the village’s town hall and served free lunch for the villagers. Ven. Jaseung also joined in on the volunteer effort and went around the table in person to serve lunch to villagers. He also greeted people with kind words, ¡°Please enjoy your meal and be healthy.¡± and enthusiastically participated in the initiative. After the meal, Ven. Jaseung and volunteers went door to door and delivered bags of rice and watermelons to residents while comforting the villagers.


     The Head of Administration, Ven. Jaseung, along with other Sunims, such as Ven. Hyechong (Executive Director of Dharma Propagation), Ven. Domun (Minister of Dept. of Financial Affairs), Ven. Jinmyung (Minister of Dept. of Cultural Affairs), and Ven. Sanggun (Minister of Dept. of Regulation), with 60 other Buddhist monks and nuns also delivered rice and watermelons actively.


     This volunteer initiative also included dental services for the villagers, provided by the Lay Buddhist Association for Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism and their affiliated dental center. This free dental service was provided for the residents as a part of the ‘sharing effort’. The HakdoamTemple (Abbot- Ven. Bupbo), located near Baeksa village, showed their warm support by providing lunch for the volunteers.


     Mr. Kim Seunghwan, the Mayor of Nowon village, also came and supported this event. The residents received 200 of 20 kg rice and 200 water melons in total. The financial support needed for this event was provided by the employees of Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism (through a voluntary fundraise).


     Last November, the Jogye Order also visited the ‘Moon village (AntsVillage)’ to commemorate the first anniversary of Ven. Jaseung’s inauguration. On this date, approximately 350 bags of rice were donated along with 27,000 coal briquettes for fuel in the winter. ‘Resolution for Introspection and Reform’ (Director. Ven. Do-Bup), which initiated this event affirmed, ¡°to continue on with today’s sharing event, we will put our best effort forward to share with our neighbors in the future’.


[Buddhist Newspapers: Issue. 2739/ July 27]

(03144) 55, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of KoreaTEL : +82-2-2011-1830FAX: +82-2-735-0614E-MAIL: jokb@buddhism.or.kr