Cardinal Tauran visits President of Jogye Order for an Interfaith Meeting > Jogye Order News

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English | Cardinal Tauran visits President of Jogye Order for an Interfaith Meeting

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Author Jogye On11-06-10 16:12 Views16,292 Comments0


    President of Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Cardinal Jean-Louis Pierre Tauran, made a visit to Association of Korean Buddhist Orders for an interfaith meeting last month. This is the first time in history for a Vatican cardinal to visit the Headquarter of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism.
     President of Jogye Order, Ven. Ja-seung, warmly welcomed Cardinal Tauran at the Centre for Korean Buddhist History and Culture last May 24th, 2011.
    During the Cardinal’s first ever visit to Jogyesa temple, Cardinal officially invited Ven. to attend the World Religious Peace Prayer which will take place this coming October in Assisi, Italy. Cardinal Tauran presented the official invitation letter from Pope Benedict XVI with a formal request. Cardinal stated, “We hope Ven. Ja-seung will also visit this year’s Vatican Interreligious Peace Prayer Meeting to further promote and contribute to interfaith harmony and world peace”.   
     Ven. Ja-seung responded with a promise, “I will attend the World Interreligious Peace Prayer Meeting”. Ven. Ja-seung also stated, “A Religious Leader’s Forum will take place in Jogyesa temple in year 2013. We also hope for Vatican’s kind interest and participation”.

     After the meeting, Cardinal Tauran visited the Central Buddhist Museum with Ven. Ja-seung and made lotus flower patterns, while experiencing other South Korean Buddhist Cultures. Cardinal Tauran stated, “This was one of the most extraordinary experiences I have ever had in my life” and added, “Thank you for making this wonderful experience possible”.

        In addition to this meeting, Ven. Ja-seung, Mr. Kim, YJ (Chairman of Secretary Council of Korean Christians), and seven other representatives had a luncheon at the Vatican embassy with Cardinal Tauran and discussed topic of interfaith harmony.

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