Supreme Patriarch of Cambodian Buddhism, Most Ven. Tep Vong visits Ven. Jaseung > Jogye Order News

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English | Supreme Patriarch of Cambodian Buddhism, Most Ven. Tep Vong visits Ven. Jaseung

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Author Jogye On10-10-08 11:20 Views18,377 Comments0


Supreme Patriarch of Cambodian Buddhism, Most Ven. Tep Vong visits Ven. Jaseung
Most Ven. Tep Vong, the Supreme Patriarch of Cambodian Buddhism visited Ven. Jaseung at the Jogye Order administration building on September 28.
Ven. Jaseung said, “Korean weather is a little cold. Please take good care of your health, and I hope you will have a safe visit of Korea. I hope the exchange between the Cambodian and Korean Buddhist communities will become more active.” Most Ven. Tep Vong said, “Cambodian King Sihamoni and Prime Minister Hun Sen told me to relay their best regards to you, Ven. Jaseung. I hope the relationship between our nations’ Buddhist communities will strengthen.”
Most Ven. Tep Vong also said, “I heard that Cambodian international brides live happily in Korea. Now we have become closer through blood relations. I hope our relationship will develop toward happiness.” He also requested for the Korean Buddhist community to watch over the multicultural families.
Ven. Jaseung responded, “Our order will help where we can. I hope Korean Buddhism will engage in cultural exchange with Theravada Buddhism. I hope the Buddhist community can contribute to world peace." Ven. Jaseung also requested Most Ven. Tep Vong to relay his respects to the King and Prime Minister.

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