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Author Jogye On10-10-15 10:08 Views16,034 Comments0


Ven. Jaseung Visits Victims of Atomic Bomb
Ven. Jaseung visited the House of Peace, center for victims of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs to offer words of encouragement. Ven. Jaseung offered a monetary donation and said, “I hope this will help a little the victims of the atomic bomb.” In addition, Ven. Jaseung has begun a fundraising to build a rehabilitation center for 2011. He also said that he will buy 100 pyeong (330 m²).
The House of Peace opened on March 1 of this year in Hapcheon County to support second generation victims of the atomic bomb. This is the first project of the “With Asia,” an organization to help the underprivileged and poor in and outside of Korea. This organization is headed by former director of Jogye Order Department of Social Affairs, Ven. Jiwon.
There is a reason why this center was built in Hapcheon County. According to the 2010 census, of the 2600 victims of the atomic bomb, 600 live in Hapcheon County. The Hapcheon County commissioner Ha Chang-hwan said, “During the Japanese occupation, Koreans from Hapcheon County were forcibly relocated to Hiroshima. That is why so many Hapcheon people became victims when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.”
At the center, Ven. Jaseung shook each person by the hand to encourage them to not lose courage.

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