Most Ven. Jinwoo, the President of the Jogye Order, Lectures at KAIST > Jogye Order News

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English | Most Ven. Jinwoo, the President of the Jogye Order, Lectures at KAIST

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Author Jogye On25-02-25 13:46 Views3,730 Comments0


On February 10, Most Ven. Jinwoo, the President of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, was invited to the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) to give a lecture entitled “Quantum Mechanics and the Middle Way: Master Euisang’s Beopseongge (法性偈 “The Song on the Essence of Dharma”) and Haeoindo (海印圖, “The Labyrinth, the Seal of the Ocean”). The lecture was part of the Maesewol Seoyeon program, a special lecture series held every third Monday for KAIST professors at the level of department chair or above to share scholarship and wisdom. It was organized at the invitation of KAIST President Lee Gwanghyeong, and Most Ven. Jinwoo was the first religious leader ever to speak at Maesewol Seoyeon. 

Based on a modern interpretation of Master Euisang's Hwaeom philosophy, Most Ven. Jinwoo explained how Buddhism and science share a common ground in that they both seek to observe phenomena as they are and understand their behavior. The President of the Jogye Order also spoke about how quantum mechanics is in line with the doctrine of emptiness, which constitutes the heart of Buddhist theology, emphasizing that the practice of Seon meditation can help scientific research. 

Most Ven. Jinwoo concluded the lecture by saying that he plans to expand the intersection of meditation and science to a wider audience by inviting quantum physics researchers and other scientists. 

“In the future, the KAIST Center for Contemplative Science will play a central role in laying the foundation for systematic research on the scientific effects of meditation,” said KAIST President Lee Gwanghyeong.

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