Supreme Patriarch Attends New Year’s Dharma Service > Jogye Order News

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Author Jogye On10-01-25 09:19 Views14,772 Comments0


Supreme Patriarch Attends New Year’s Dharma Service

 “Let us go forth with the “hwadu” of communication and cooperation with society, and education and dharma propagation.”

 A Dharma Service to offer New Year’s salutations to Jogye Order’s Supreme Patriarch Most Ven. Beopjeon was held on January 7 at Hainsa Temple.

  The Supreme Patriarch said in his address, “For the progress of our order, we must establish a practice program and find a way to work together with society.” “Moreover, it is time to open the great period of the revival of Buddhism through education and dharma propagation. For this, we need the role of the younger generation endowed with faith, commitment, and ability. To produce such people, we need a consistent training policy. Through lifetime education, we must make ordinary beings into saints.” He continued, “Let us open this New Year (of the tiger) full of hope by going forth with the “hwadu” of communication and cooperation with society, and education and dharma propagation.


The administrative head of the Jogye Order Ven. Jaseung said in his address, “In the New Year, we will take the Buddha’s teachings as a beacon and for the revival of Buddhism, we will create schemes one by one by taking the perfect examples of the great living patriarchs of our order.” “To correctly meet the needs of our society and era, we need faith, a cooperative attitude, and commitment. I will work hard with the abbots of the district head temples to build an order, which will earn the trust of our society.”

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