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Author Jogye On09-10-29 14:08 Views13,654 Comments0


New Head of Jogye Order is Ven. Jaseung


In a landslide election (91%), Ven. Jaseung (age 55) becomes the 33rd Jogye Order Executive Director of Administration. His four-year term begins with the inauguration ceremony on November 5 at JogyesaTemples main Dharma hall. He ran on a platform to bring greater unity to the order, to make the order more open to the Buddhist community, make plans for providing care for aging monks and nuns, and to increase the scope and awareness of Korean Buddhism in Korea and internationally through education.


Ven. Jaseung was born in GangwonProvince. He received novice precepts from the current Jogye Order head Ven. Jikwan in 1972. Then two years later at BeomeosaTemple in Busan, he received Bhikkhu precepts from Ven. Seokam. He practiced meditation during numerous retreats at DonghwasaTemple, BongamsaTemple, among others. Thereafter, he was the abbot of DaedeoksaTemple, Sam-maksaTemple, Yeonjuam Hermitage, and a Buddhist center in Suwon. His first experience with the Jogye Order Administration was as the Vice-director of Education in 1986. Thereafter, he served as the director of Department of Financial Affairs and the director of Department of Administrative Affairs. He also served on the Jogye Order Central Council for four years, serving as the chair from 2006 to 2008. From 1997, he served as the director of the Kwacheon City Social Welfare Coalition for five years. From 2002, he served as the director of the Eunjeong Society for the Promotion of Buddhism, which gives scholarships to teenagers and college students among other activities. 

(Pic: Ven. Jikwan the 32rd Jogye Order Director & Ven. Jaseung the 33rd Director)

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