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Author Jogye On09-11-09 11:50 Views13,838 Comments0


Inauguration Ceremony of Ven. Jaseung, New Head of Jogye Order

Communication and Harmony are the principals upon which we will build the order.


The inauguration ceremony of Jogye Orders new Director of Administration Ven. Jaseung took place at Jogyesa Temple at 11 a.m. on November 5 with over 5000 in attendance. Ven. Milun read the message of the Supreme Patriarch of the Jogye Order, Most Ven. Beopjeon. The future of the Jogye Order depends on the emergence of enlightened teachers. Therefore, the order must sustain the practice lineage, which will make ordinary beings into enlightened beings.


After receiving formal congratulations from prominent figures from Buddhist and general communities, Ven. Jaseung made a speech. We know that without sincere communication and harmony, peace and progress cannot be made. That is why Korean Buddhism must communicate well with the society at large and prepare the conditions to create harmony. By taking great social responsibility, we will make efforts to show the way for society and the Korean people to go. It is impossible to revive Buddhism, not to mention the Jogye Order, without education and Dharma propagation. This is the issue of the greatest importance to our order and to Buddhism. It is the direction that this administration will go. It is the blueprint to open the future of Korean Buddhism. This administration will head toward better communication, harmony, and the revival of Buddhism in order to share difficulties with our neighbors in need and together keep the dream of hope.


Ven. Jaseung also has interest in helping foreign monastics of the Jogye Order. He intends to create a subdivision within the administration that would be in charge of training foreign monastics that ordain within the order. He also feels that the rift between the Jogye Order and the Lee Myeong-bak administration is due to a lack of communication. He intends to remedy this with greater mutual understanding.


Due to the overwhelming majority support and the youth of this new director, there is great optimism within the Jogye Order for reform and change, which have been long awaited. He wants to take greater social responsibility with openness and communication. 

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