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Author Jogye On09-11-12 13:57 Views13,802 Comments0


New Department Heads Appointed for New Jogye Order Adminstration

With the revival of the order as the motivating theme, Ven. Jaseung selects new department heads.


With the changing of the Head of the Jogye Order, new heads of the departments are also appointed. Jogye Order head Ven. Jaseung has the revival of the order as the motivating theme for this new administration. With this in mind, he selected new heads of departments of the Jogye Order. The Jogye Order has two large Bureaus: Education and Dharma Propagation. Then there are departments, which are smaller. There are the Departments of Social Affairs, Financial Affairs, Administrative Affairs, Cultural Affairs, Dharma Propagation, Education, Planning, and so forth. The departments are divided into smaller teams, which are staffed by more than 100 lay people. All the department heads and most of the leadership positions are held by monks and nuns. The new administrative head appoints all the new department heads, but the Central Council appoints the bureau heads. This council is composed of representatives from the district head temples and other organizations. It has a legislative function. There is also a small Adjudication Council, which has a judicial function. In addition, there is a small Council of Elders, which must approve all major decisions like selecting the new administrative head. The Supreme Patriarch (Most Ven. Beopjeon) is the spiritual leader of the order and overall head.






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