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Jogye Order News Jogye Order News
Jogye Order News

English | Buddhist Youth Conference

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Author Jogye On09-07-16 13:13 Views13,760 Comments0


The Youth are the Hope of the Future

Buddhist Youth Conference held at Jogyesa Temple on July 11 with over 2000 Youth in attendance

Jogye Order Bureau of Dharma Propagation has shown great interest in Children learning Dharma for the past three years.

This year the bureau held a youth conference in front of the main hall at Jogyesa Temple .

The Head of the Jogye Order Ven. Jikwan said in the congratulatory speech:

The young Buddhists are the main players in the future of Korean Buddhism and Dharma propagation.

The youthful heart of the child is like the Buddhas pure heart. You embody the essence of the Buddha.

Ven Jikwan continued, For three years, there has been an official section in the Bureau of Propagation for the youth,

and they have made good efforts. This shows the importance of the youth, and how much we depend on them for the future of Korean Buddhism.

At the conference, two books were newly revealed: The Past, Present, and Future of Youth Dharma Propagation and

Young Buddhist Diary. In addition, eight temples and seven leaders received commendations.











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