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Author Jogye On08-12-21 22:41 Views15,482 Comments0


Jogye Order 20th Dharma Propagation Awards Ceremony


Ven. Hechong, Ven. Jikwan, and Ven. Jonghoon

The Jogye Order awarded Dharma Propagation Awards on Dec. 2 at the Korean Buddhist History and CultureCenter.  The following are the recipients:


Dharma Propagation Grand Prize: 

Ven. Nung-ga, Beomeosa Temple Spiritual Director

Commitment to Dharma Propagation Award: 

Ven. Sunmook, Pres. of Bulgyo Shimun

             Ven. Gak-hyun, Vice President of Ansung Lotus Village

             Baek Chang-gi, Honorary President of Central Council of Laity

             Yang Seong-hong, Honorary Chair of the Division of Dharma Propagation

             Ven. Jino, Abbot of DaedunsaTemple


The above names were among 11 in total who received the Dharma Propagation Award and prize money.  Unfortunately, the Grand Prize award winner, Ven. Nung-ga could not attend due to health issues.  His disciple Ven. Jonghoon receive the prize for him. 


Jogye Orders administrative head, Ven. Jikwan and the head of the Department of Dharma Propagation, Ven. Hechong, gave out the awards. 


Ven. Jikwan said, Dharma propagation is leading those who are unfamiliar to Dharma to the way of Lord Buddha, and within the way, to lead together a happy life toward enlightenment.  We should follow the example of todays award winners to propagate widely throughout the world, the teachings of Lord Buddha.


Ven. Hechong said, The awards winners have gathered great merit through the efforts in the respective fields.  Todays awards recognize and encourage such Bodhisattva activities. 


The grand prize award money was 5 million won, 3 million won for the Merit Award, and 1.5 million won for the Commitment to Dharma Propagation Award.


The nominations for the award candidates were receive from Oct. 21 to 31.  The award selection committee announced the winners on Nov. 18.  The awards were established in 1987 to reward those making efforts in spreading the Dharma.


This year grand-prize winner, Ven. Nung-ga met the Dharma accidentally while leading a group of high-school students on a field trip to BeomeomsaTemple.  He was impressed after reading the Lotus Sutra.  He became a monk at BeomeomsaTemple in 1950.  He is known for widely distributing Buddhist texts for free.  He carries the conviction that the words of Lord Buddha must easily reach Buddhists to transform their lives.  He has been publishing 60,000 Buddhist Scriptures (concise bilingual Buddhist text) for free distribution.   


Ven Nung-ga

This year, Ven. Nung-ga printed 20,000 Seon manuals called Ganhwaseon for distribution to Seon temples to encourage determined practice.  During the summer retreat season, he also distributed sets of Sunrim-gokyung-chongso to more than 100 Seon temples.  The selection committee said, We selected Ven. Nung-ga because of his contribution to Dharma propagation through the distribution of the Buddhist Scriptures.


Ven. Nung-ga also established the Three Jewel Buddhist Foundation over 30 years ago to aid the poor and disadvantaged.  

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