Dharma Talk of the Patriarch on Buddha’s Birthday 2008 (Buddha era 2552) > Jogye Order News

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English | Dharma Talk of the Patriarch on Buddha’s Birthday 2008 (Buddha era 2552)

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Author Jogye On08-05-06 14:08 Views16,835 Comments0



"Do not seek truth outside of your mind"

In 2008 (Buddha Era 2552)the Patriarch of the Jogye Order, Ven. Dorim Beopjeon, gave a dharma talk to commemorate Buddha’s Birthday.

In his dharma talk, Ven. Beopjeon spoke about the meaning of the Buddha’s coming to this world, saying, "He helped sentient beings to be reborn as buddhas by awakening their buddha nature, which was locked in ignorance and greed, and gave all beings the freedom to attain enlightenment by generating great compassion in this world of suffering."

In addition Ven. Beopjeon urged people to put forth effort and practice without stopping: "realizing buddhahood starts from one’s own mind, and the suffering of samsara likewise generates from one’s own mind. Since all truths start from the mind, let’s not seek them outside."


The congratulatory words of the Patriarch on Buddha’s Birthday, 2008 (2552) were as follows:

Do not seek the Truth outside of your Mind

Today is the day that the Buddha came to this world and opened the way of enlightenment to sentient beings.

By awakening the buddhahood that had been locked in ignorance and greed,

he helped sentient beings to be reborn as buddhas, and freed all lives by leading them to enlightenment and generating great compassion in the midst of suffering.

Realizing buddhahood starts from one’s own mind and the suffering of samsara likewise is generated within one’s own mind. Since all truths start from the mind, let’s not seek them outside.

The universe and all life begins with the mind,

and all sages never left the boundaries of the mind.

Within your mind is the divine nature of god,

and in the original nature of sentient beings breathes the life of the Buddha.

There is no truth other than this.

If you seek it, you lose it and if you try to fathom it, you miss it.

Ignorance and defilements you possess to allow you to realize buddhahood; it is seeking and wanting that are your hindrances.

You may make a buddha in your original nature;

but do not seek the buddha outside of yourself.

On Buddha’s Birthday, 2008 (Buddha era 2552)

Ven. Dorim Beopjeon, Patriarch of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism


                                                                                         Translated by Kim Soo Hee


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