“A Peaceful Resolution to Conflicts in Tibet” is called for by The Central Council of JOKB > Jogye Order News

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Author Jogye On08-04-02 17:07 Views16,965 Comments0


Wishes for a Peaceful Resolution to the Situation in Tibet

 Venerable Jigwan




  Executive Director of Administration, JOKB


Wishes for a Peaceful Resolution to the Situation in Tibet
Venerable Jigwan
Executive Director of Administration, JOKB
Among soaring concerns from the international community about the recent bloodshed in Tibet, Ven. Jigwan expressed his hope for a peaceful resolution to the tension in Tibet.
             Ven. Jigwan received a visit from Lhakpa Tshoko, Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in East Asia, at 10:30am on March 17 in the reception room of the Korean Buddhist Culture and History Memorial Hall. During the visit they discussed the situation in Tibet.
             “At the time of the Tibetan uprising in 1959 I was staying at Tongdosa and at that time too, together with the other monks, I prayed for a peaceful resolution,” said Ven. Jigwan during the meeting. “I lament the current situation and hope that a peaceful solution can be found.” He emphasized that “the Korean people and Korean Buddhists alike are worried about the situation,” and that “we are praying that Tibetan Buddhism can return to peace and safety.”
             Mr. Tshoko said, “We have sought to hold talks with the Chinese government numerous times over the years but to no avail. The current situation erupted as a result of 60 years of oppression by the Chinese government.” Furthermore, he said that “the Dalai Lama has appealed to the Tibetan people to use peaceful means of expression,” and requested that “the Korean Buddhist community and the Jogye Order give their interest and support for the resolution of this issue. He added that “what the Tibetan people want is not independence but meaningful autonomy.”
             Also attending the meeting were JOKB Department of Secretarial Affairs director Ven. Shimgyeong, Department of Social Affairs deputy director Ven. Doeun, Tibetan Bhikku Ven. Namga, and others.








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