Overnight 3,000 Bows Intensive Dharma Practice to Save Seriously Ill Children > Jogye Order News

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Author Jogye On06-04-25 09:17 Views17,568 Comments0


The Social Welfare Foundation of the Jogye Order and the Buddha’s Birthday Celebration Committee have jointly accomplished the 6th all night 3,000 bows dharma event which started at 7:00 PM in the evening on Saturday, April 15 at main dharma hall of the Jogyesa temple. The purpose was to benefit children suffering from leukemia and infants with heart disease. Every year, one thousand five hundred Korean children suffer from leukemia and infants suffering with heart disease make up 8 to 10 percent of newborn Korean babies who are victims of these tragic illnesses. Leukemia claims many lives due to the unbearable medical costs which amounts to 100 million won(USD 100,000) per patient. Hence, we have decided to perform this great act of making 3,000 bows in order to share their sufferings together (100 won per bow per person participating in the 3,000 bows ritual).

The Venerable Jihyun, standing director of social welfare foundation of the Jogye Order has stated in his progress report that our efforts and hard work have finally met our hopes to help these children by providing as much as 40 million won which can cover the medical cost for forty children.. It was worth enduring sore backs and knees doing this intensive practice because of the positive results. We had another similar good experience in the previous 4th period of these events by delivering 360 wheel chairs with a total market value of 100 million Won to the responsible North Korean agency on April 5, 2006 for the North Korean handicapped. He also emphasized that our Buddha mind will become more consolidated by giving us the chance to strengthen the unity between staffs, volunteers and sponsors through the event, as well as accomplish the stated objectives in providing help to those in need. 

( Previous Events : Dates / Temples )
- 1st : April 21, 2001 ( Main Dharma Hall, Jogyesa )
- 2nd : April 27, 2002 (Main Dharma Hall, Jogyesa )
- 3rd : April 26, 2003 ( Bowoo Dharma Hall, Bongeunsa )
- 4th : April 24, 2004 ( Main Dharma Hall, Jogyesa )
- 5th : April 16, 2005 ( Main Dharma Hall, Jogyesa )

Also, Venerable Jikwan, executive director of the Administrative Bureau of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism has said in his offering remarks that “only those who experienced illness can share their pain with others and have the “willingness mind” to share their painfulness with these little children who are representing the real compassions and true services”. He mentioned that the Superintendent of Hospital to cure this ache is Buddha and the mother is Avalokitesvara. Therefore, all of us should appreciate this great meaning and attend on them with our warm heart.
He also expressed his gratitude, saying that the entire mind of sentient beings assembled here to pray is beautiful and splendid.

Yi, Ha-Jin, a student of Jangchoong elementary school has subsequently read a wishful message for this overnight 3,000 bows intensive dharma practice and five hundreds participants entered soon into the all night praying practice.
This overnight 3,000 bow dharma practice progressed well with a sincere mind. It started from 7:00 PM in the evening and ended around 4:00 PM the following early morning.

The following is the wishful message, recited by student Yi, Ha-Jin.  

 Wishful Message

Merciful Buddha! I am Yi, Ha-Jin attending at 5th grade, Jangchoong elementary school. Do you remember that I had prayed for my wishes at Jogyesa here for the past consecutive several years? I had been here holding my mother’s hands before. I remember I had an interview with a newspaper reporter who praised me much and today, I came here to make 3,000 bows to pray for the sick children, suffering from these incurable diseases.

I have seen many cases of these critically ill children and I always feel such a compassionate mind whenever I see them. I regretted not being able to help them in the past, though I really wanted to do something for them. However, I feel that I have peace of mind today because I am able to help them now by making the three thousands bows Dharma Practice.

Those seemingly hopeless children and their families might despair thinking that even the modernized medical technology can’t cure their disease. However, this kind of mentality will not help but will only complicate matters and could be of no help in treating them.

Merciful Buddha! therefore, we sincerely wish that today’s 3,000 bows Dharma Practice will give them favorable results and definite hope in their treatment.

Some parents even discard their children, judging that those “incurable” diseases can’t be cured and send them to orphanages where their diseases will get worse. Therefore, we truly hope that our 3,000 bows will be a strong prayer that will generate great positive energy for the benefit of these abandoned children.

World Honored One! I have massaged my parents legs in the evening for about a month to collect my pocket money since I have heard that this tiny 100 won offering for one bow will eventually make a bigger sum. I take a big pride in myself by dropping this money in the donation box and I came to possess this grateful mind for the facts that I was born healthy and am growing soundly to this moment.

World Honored One! All the people assembled here to make wishful three thousands bows have the same mind today. Please implant the hopeful conviction for successful treatment in the mind of children who are suffering from these terrible diseases and we wish you to bestow your extraordinary compassion on these suffering children so that many warm helping hands are always with us on the occasion of this special overnight practice which might be known to many people around us.

I am very pleased to know that Buddha’s Birthday incidentally falls on children’s day this year which will make people think more about Buddha.

Yi, Ha-Jin / 5th Grade, Jangchoong Elementary School
Namu Sakyamuni Buddha,

Namu Sakyamuni Buddha, Namu World Great Teacher Sakyamuni Buddha.

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