7th APPAN International Festival-Symposium2006:May1-4, 2006, Seoul > Jogye Order News

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English | 7th APPAN International Festival-Symposium2006:May1-4, 2006, Seoul

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Author Jogye On06-03-17 10:27 Views19,758 Comments0


"Meditation and Healing in Asia Pacific Performing Arts"
Organized and Managed : APPAN Korea Headquarters,
                                                Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism Headquarters
Date : May 1-4, 2006 / Time : 9:00 AM-9:00 PM
Place : Traditional Cultural Arts Theatre; at The Memorial hall for the History and Culture of Korean Buddhism (building next to Jogye temple) in Anguk-dong, Seoul
Sponsors :
            Arts Council Korea, Ministry of Culture and Tourism
            Korean National Commission for UNESCO
            Buddhist Women’s Development Institute,
            Buddha’s Birthday Celebration Committee
            Graduate School of Complementary&Alternative Medicine,
            Pochon CHA University. Ecology Environment TV, Gunin Gongjehoi
1) Performances(tentative) : May2-3, 3-5PM, 7-9PM
About Performers
 Kutiyattam group
 World Oral Intangible Treasure
 Fusao Okamoto,
 Tetsuhisa tanabe
 National Intangible Treasure
 Nawang Khechog
 Worldly well-known Meditation
 Apsara dance
 Ouk S Olichmnit
 Divine ritual dancer
 Ritual dance&music
Kun Qu Opera
 Ke Jun
 National Class-One Actor of
Beskalan Putri
 Didik Nin Thowok
 One of the most frequently
 requested multi-talented artist
Zendance: Form is Emptiness 2006
 Lee wonil(SonMuDo)
 SunOckLee & dancers
 Zendance Company Founder

Nabichum, Barachum

Donghee Sunim &
Intangible Cultural Property


Ji Soonja and Ji Mija
National Intangible
Treasure No. 23, Successors

Seung Mu
Lee Mae Bang
National Intangible
Treasure No. 97


Jo Buh Un and
his group
Intangible Cultural Property

Lee Kwang Su &
 One of the founders of
2) Symposium:  May 2-3, 9:00 AM- 12:30 PM          
   "Meditation & Healing in Asia Pacific Performing Arts"   
    Keynote speaker : Madame Shanta Serbjeet Singh, Dr.Chun Sae-iL
                                      Dr.Jun HyunSu, Abbot. Hyun Woong 
 Country Report : “ Meditation & Healing in Asia Pacific Performing Arts "
         *Kutiyattam from India,
          *Tibetan meditation music
          *Apsara from Cambodia by Julie Mehta
          *Cham from Nepal
          *Kun Qu Opera from China
          *Beskalan Putri Malangan from Indonesia
          *Sunmu-Zendance by Dr. Seunghoo Lee from Korea
          *Sonmudo demonstration by Master Jukwun from Korea
          *Pumpae Jakpup by Heyman from Korea
          *Kayakeum Byungchang- Bupsung-gei by Ji Soonja  from Korea
          *Sulisulkyung by Jo Buh-un from Korea
          *SeungMu by Suh Inhwa from Korea
3) Movement Meditation: May 3, 12:30-1:00 PM
    "Moving and sitting meditation demonstration by diplomats’ wives in their traditional costumes"
About the Performances
   "Kutiyattam" 2drummers, 1dancer,1 narrator from Kerala kutiyattam, the classical Indian theatre from Kerala(south west india), may well be the oldest form of theatre surviving in the world today. Till recently, Kutiyattam performed only inside exclusive temple-theaters called Koothambalams.
   Since UNESCO has designated Kutiyattam as World Oral Intangible Treasure, we can nowexperience this sacred art of the gesture (hasta mudra), abhinaya(mimetic expression) of authentic dance and drumming.       
   "Noh" by Fusao Okamoto (National Intangible Treasure) Noh is a classical Japanese performance form which combines elements of dance, drama, music and poetry into one highly aesthetic stage art. It is performed by professional artist, mainly men, who have passed down the art among family members for numerous generations.
   "Meditation and Peace" by Nawang Khechog World-famous as a Tibetan meditation
    Musician, flute player and composer. the artist provided the music for the movie ’little Buddha", his meditation music CDs are well known. around the world.
   "Apsara" by Ouk S Olichmnit(Chmnith) The Apsara dance was a courtly or divine ritual held by kings to please the gods and ask for divine boons, such as rain or a bountiful harvest. Therefore dancers were always women, facilitators or communicators between the king, his priests and the gods, and highly sought after and revered members of the ruler’s regal entourage.                                      
   "Cham" ritual dance&music by 3/4 musicians, 1dancer Cham is performed in the mountains by monks as a divine ritual for cleansing the negative energy and bringing good luck for the temple and its lay people.                        
   "Kun Qu Opera" by Ke Jun. Ke Jun is a National Class-One Actor of China. He majored in Washeng (military men) and in Laosheng(old male)roles. A member of the Chinese Opera Performing Society, the Chinese Kun Opera Research Institute and the Head of Performers’ Troupe.  
   "Beskalan Putri Malangan" by Didik Nin Thowok Didik is one of the most frequently requested multi-talented artist in Indonesia.
    As choreographer, dancer, teacher, actor, he is known throughout Indonesia for his unique style combining classical, folk, modernistic and comedic dance forms.
    "Beskalan Putri Malangan" is a Ceremonial dance to expel the bad spirits from the village in order to bring about fertility.
    From Malang(east Java), this is a Cross-gender dance.
 - Zendance Company: "Form is Emptiness2006"                          
   Zendance is not only an aesthetically beautiful art form, but a kind of "Dance Meditati on or Meditation in Movement." Since 1974 in NYC. Sun Ock Lee, the Korean dancer, choreographer and founder of the SUNMU-ZENDANCE Company, has developed this multi-media piece that combines the elements of Korean ritual dance, modern dance  techniques and SonMuDo(a Buddhist martial art form).
 -SonMuDo(KumGangSeung) : Korean Buddhist martial art form,originally KumGangSeung, created by Korean Son(Zen)Master Yangik. Later his disciple, Monk Jukwun, further developed it and named it SonMuDo.
-Nabichum and Barachum : This Buddhist ritual dance and chant called Nabichum(Butterfly dance), Barachum(cymbal dance) is designated as a National Intagible Cultural Property by Korean government. Donghee Sunim and her disciples will perform.      
-Kayakeum Byungchang- Bupsung-gei : This song with kayakeum instrument is composed while she was residing in Hawii by late madame Sung Keum-yun designated by Korean government as Intangible Treasure,#23. Her two daughters will sing and play Bupsung-gei for the first time in Korea.   
-SeungMu : The origin of this dance comes from the Buddhist ritual dance-Nabichum. Later this dance became as one of the main repertoire of Korean traditional dances. Lee Maebang is a National Intangible Treasure for this dance. 
-Sulisulkyung : This chanting and music comes from west coast of shaman rituals of     Korea. the Paper cuttings of this hanging Bodhisattvas, Buddhas and dieties are the origins of Korean traditional paper cutting arts. Jo Buh-un is one of the authentic artist in this ritual performance.       
-Binari : Binari means "praying’, This chanting style of song is praying to god for ward off evil spirits and bringing good lucks. Lee Kwangsu’s Binari   is well known in Korea. And One of the founders of Samulnori.                
-Ipsa gongyei exhibition : Ms. Lee Kyungja’s "Buddha" at the lobby of theatre, she is designated as a National Intangible Inlaid Metal Art Treasure #19
 Asia-Pacific Performing Arts Network (APPAN)
 Is a worldwide network to promote cooperation and development in the performing arts of the Asia Pacific region, seeking the creation of worldwide platform for this   unique cultural identity.
It promotes cross-cultural and inter-disciplinary understanding, develops rigorous strategies for making , reflects the nuances of cultural differences, and fosters new ways to experiment, collaborate and interpret artistic expressions.
APPAN First Conference "A New Challenge for the Continuation of Traditional and  Contemporary Creation of the Performing Arts in the Asia-Pacific Region" was held   in Jan 2000, in Seoul, Korea with 17 countries participating.
The Second International Conference " Journey to the East" was held in New Delhi, India, in Oct. 2000.
The Third International Conference   "Into the Sacred Waters : Symposium on the      ’Body’ and ’Mind’ Traditions of the Asia-Pacific Region"was held in Sept. 2001 in Banikhet , India.
The APPAN 4th   International Festival and Symposium on " The Role of Healing in    Asia Pacific Performing Arts"  was held in Seoul, in May,2002.
The APPAN 5th Conference :"The Sacred & The profane Male-Female Role in Asian    Performance Arts" was held in Risikesh, India
The APPAN 6th  International Festival and Symposium : "The Role of Healing in Asia-pacific Performing Arts" was secondattempt to explore and present in their   society at PoSung JunNam, Korea, in Nov25-29, 2003.   
The APPAN 7th International Festival - Symposium on " Meditation and Healing in Asia Pacific Performing Arts " will be held from May 1~4, 2006 in Seoul.
APPAN Korea Headquarters : Dr. SunOck Lee(President. APPAN Korea)
193-1, 3F, Pyung Chang-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel : 822, 391-6502   fax : 822,391-6503
      Cel l: 019-325-1014 / 017-568-3354
E-mail sonmuga@hanmail.net zendance@hotmail.com  
www.appan.co.kr    www.zendance.org

(03144) 55, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of KoreaTEL : +82-2-2011-1830FAX: +82-2-735-0614E-MAIL: jokb@buddhism.or.kr