Jogye Order News 2 Page

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Jogye Order News Jogye Order News
Jogye Order News
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Jogye Order News List
Number Title By Date Views
801 The Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism will open the path to the peace and happiness of mind with the ardent aspiration that will last the millennium. Jogye 01-25 950
800 Revitalizing and Expanding the Monastic Sangha: Youth is the Keyword Jogye 02-01 995
799 The UN International Day of Vesak—commemorating the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and nirvana—was held in Thailand. The Jogye Order was officially invited and attended as the delegation of Korean Buddhism. Jogye 06-15 1054
798 Celebratory Remarks for Buddha's Birthday B.E 2568(2024) Jogye 05-16 1071
797 The 2023 Korean Buddhist Culture Expo Expanded the Horizon of Buddhist Culture Jogye 09-22 1072
796 A Feast of Temple Food Spread Across London, Paris, and Ottawa Jogye 08-31 1140
795 “May all discrimination, hatred, poverty, and disease disappear!” Buddha’s Birthday Celebratory Dharma Ceremony Held Jogye 06-15 1145
794 Head of Korean Buddhism Prayed for the Korean Victims of Forced Labor Jogye 07-03 1175
793 Buddhism in Film, the 2023 One World One Flower International Buddhist Film Festival (OIBFF) Jogye 08-31 1179
792 Dreaminus, Food Aid to 800 Low-Income Families in Sri Lanka Jogye 04-26 1179
791 Celebratory Remarks Speech for Budda's Birthday 2023 Jogye 05-22 1187
790 Official Inauguration of the “Set 1,000 Years Aright” Steering Committee Jogye 04-26 1192
789 Jamboree Scout Members saying “Korean Buddhism is impressive.” Jogye 08-22 1241
788 Global Buddhist Leaders Gathered at the First Global Buddhist Summit Jogye 05-01 1298
787 Footsteps of the Sangwol Society’s India Pilgrimage Jogye 05-10 1300
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