Jogye Order News 47 Page

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Jogye Order News Jogye Order News
Jogye Order News
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Jogye Order News List
Number Title By Date Views
126 Dharma Talk(Most Ven. Wonhaeng, the president of the Jogye Order) Jogye 05-06 5925
125 Buddhists of Korea, China and Japan aspired to realize the world peace in Putuo Temple in China Jogye 11-26 5836
124 luncheon and invited the Ambassador of Pakistan to Seoul, H.E. Rahim Hayat Qureshi Jogye 01-22 5699
123 How to Overcome the Coronavirus Pandemic? Jogye 04-06 5576
122 Christmas-Tree Lighting Ceremony by the Jogye Order of Korea Buddhism Jogye 12-26 5478
121 Congratulatory Event in Southern California to celebrate the New Year Jogye 12-24 5440
120 Overnight Practice and Dedication of Thousand-Day Prayer at Dharma-sa Temple in LA, USA Jogye 12-24 5380
119 Ground-breaking Ceremony for the Korean Buddhist Cultural Experience Center and Gwangje-sa Temple Jogye 06-23 5324
118 Supreme Patriarch’s Dharma Talk to Mark the Tea Ceremony Dedicated to National Teacher Master Doeui (道義) Jogye 06-29 5296
117 Dharma Talk Marking the End of B.E. 2563 Winter Retreat by H.E. Jinje, Supreme Patriarch Jogye 02-13 5192
116 [One Million Vows Assembly] 4. Jogye Order sanitariums and care homes Jogye 03-18 5166
115 The Day of the Buddha’s Enlightenment Celebrated at Jeonghye-sa Temple in Orange County, California Jogye 12-24 5144
114 The Chinese Buddhist community respondedin kind to the Jogye Order’s compassionate act Jogye 04-14 5116
113 New Year’s Dharma Assembly Hosted by the AKBO Jogye 01-29 5102
112 Dharma Talk for the New Year In the Year of the White Rat, Buddhist Era 2564 Jogye 01-02 5086
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