The 35th Japan-Korean Buddhist Cultural Exchange Conference > Jogye Order News

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The 35th Japan-Korean Buddhist Cultural Exchange Conference

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Author admin On14-06-27 15:43 Views16,194 Comments0


The 35th Japan-Korean Buddhist Cultural Exchange Conference: “Youth Education through Cultivation of Buddhist Spirit”
The joint declaration selected: ‘Life is Priority!’
A proposal was given to discuss the importance of youth education for this modern world where everything is rapidly changing. Both the Korean and Japanese Buddhist Orders must take this issue more seriously and contribute further to educating the Buddhist youth, in order for them to cultivate compassion and the Buddhist spirit.
In commemorating the victims of the Sewel Ferry Disaster and the Earthquake victims of Eastern Japan, Ven. Jaseung (President of the Jogye Order and Korea–Japan Buddhist Cultural Exchange Conference) and Ven. Shogyen (Miyabhayasi the President of Japan-Korean Buddhist Exchange Conference) selected the declaration for the 35th Japan-Korean Buddhist cultural Exchange conference, held June 9~ 12 in Gyushu Kurumishi Jhendouji, as ‘Life is Priority!’
Over 150 Buddhist delegates participated in this year’s conference with various programs such as the Academic Conference in the theme of “Buddhist Philosophy and Youth Education,” World Peace Prayers, Welcoming Reception, etc.
The president of the Jogye Order thanked the president of the Japan-Korean Buddhist Exchange Conference with the following remarks. “We sincerely wish to thank you all for consoling and praying for the Seweol ferry disaster,” and added “We must create a world where we do not take life for granted, but place safety of human life as the first priority and help relieve the suffering of those in great pain. Let us all put our minds and hearts together and continue on with our practice.”
The president Miyabhayasi then stated, “Buddhist exchange between the two nations had continued for 35th consecutive years without any serious hindrances because of the mutual respect and friendship. As saying goes, “sustainability is power” and we must put great effort to building closer relationship. Despite the existence of political conflict between our nations, Buddhist philosophy of harmony and unity must become the base for us to grow together and build peaceful friendship.

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