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Meeting of the East and West

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Author admin On14-08-21 16:14 Views15,618 Comments0


Meeting of the East and West:
Ven. Jaseung with Pope Francis

Pope Francis’ apostolic trip to Korea to attend the 6th Asian Youth Day began with his arrival in Seoul on Thursday 14, August. On the first day, Pope Francis made a courtesy visit to the president of the Republic of Korea and met with other political authorities, whom he addressed at the Blue House. He spent his final day in meeting with other religious leaders at the building of the old Curia of the Archdiocese of Seoul.
The Most Venerable Jaseung (President of the Jogye Order) emphasized during the meeting, “Pope Francis’ visit to Korea not only served religious purpose, but also brought opportunity for healing in many people.”
Ven. Jaseung expressed in his message, “Pope Francis’ visit was an occasion for our society to reflect on ourselves and opportunity for hope” and added, “In particular, we would like to express sincere gratitude to the Pope on demonstrating compassion to the victims of Sewol Ferry Disaster.”
Ven. Jaseung also stated, “As the Pope had stated, the church should be for the poor, and the church should be serving the disadvantaged. But, this is not just limited to the Church. All leaders in our society must come to realize this.”  
This was Pope Francis’ first trip to Asia, and he challenged both the North and the South Koreans to reject the "mindset of suspicion and confrontation"  and find ways to forge peace on this war-divided peninsula.


(03144) 55, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of KoreaTEL : +82-2-2011-1830FAX: +82-2-735-0614E-MAIL: