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Dharma Talk to Begin the Summer Retreat 2009

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Author admin On09-05-07 14:10 Views16,319 Comments0


Dharma Talk to Begin the Summer Retreat 2009


By Jogye Order Supreme Patriarch, Most Ven. Bupjeon


What are you doing?



The great Seon master Joju went up to Ven. Suyus room and took a Seon stick from the room. At this Ven. Suyu asked, What are you doing?

The master replied, Im trying to find the water depth.

Ven. Suyu said, Theres not even a drop of water here, so what are you trying to find?

At this, the master laid the stick against the wall and left.


Ven. Suyu, along with Ven. Joju received Dharma transmission from master Namjeon. Ven. Suyu possessed ten thousand designs and the majesty of a thousand miles. He strung the arrow on the bow, and he hoped to meet Ven. Joju. Ven. Joju could also come and go into the state of birth and death. He took up arms and raised the victory banner. Armed with bow and arrow, he conquered all the world. He could shoot down a willow leaf from a hundred paces and a wild goose a thousand meters above without fail. Ven Suyu and Ven. Joju already knew of each others great realization. This is why Ven. Joju visited Ven. Suyu. The conversation they had is Jojutamsu, which is a Koan.


Ven. Suyu asked to the curious actions of Ven. Joju, who was trying to measure water depth, So, what are you trying to find? At this, Ven. Joju leaned the stick against the wall and left.


Please use your time in retreat to find the true meaning of this Dharma talk.


The world is upside down. The servant fools the master.

Fortune is on decline. The ghost sports with man.


Buddhist Era 2553

May 9, 2009

Opening Day of the Summer Retreat

(03144) 55, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of KoreaTEL : +82-2-2011-1830FAX: +82-2-735-0614E-MAIL: jokb@buddhism.or.kr