2008 International website of Jogye order Questionnaire Survey > Jogye Order News

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2008 International website of Jogye order Questionnaire Survey

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Author admin On08-01-30 15:58 Views16,618 Comments0



2008 International website of Jogye order Questionnaire Survey


For a better understanding of buddhists’ needs, Headquarter of Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism is conducting a questionnaire survey in overseas. The survey form includes several questions about International website of Jogye order. The 5 people among the participants will be presented of the small souvenirs from Jogye order. Please fill out the questionnaire and send it back to us.

Period of Survey : 2008.01.30(Wednesday) ~ 02.15(Friday)  

1. How long have you been visiting International website of Jogye order? (  )

① Less than six months

② 0ver six months to less than one year

③ over one year to less than two years

④ over two years

2. How often do you visit International website of Jogye order? (  )

① one time or two times in a month

② one time or two times in a week

③ almost everyday

④ sometimes when need to search

3. How did you recognize International website of Jogye order?(  )

① Through Korean website of Jogye order

Recommendation of acquaintance

③ Through Search engine in internet

④ Etc.(                              )

4. What’s the name of group you belong to?

① The Jogye Order

② The Kwan Um school of Zen

③ No group

④ Etc.(                              )

5. What have you utilized International website of Jogye order for?(Please write down)

Ex.)To understand Hwadu Meditation.

6. If you have some suggestions or comments to improve International website of Jogye order,

  (Please write down.)

Jogye order of Korean Buddhism Headquarters

International Affairs Team


Tel. +82-2-2011-1828   Fax. +82-2-735-0614

E-mail. sabaha@buddhism.or.kr


(03144) 55, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of KoreaTEL : +82-2-2011-1830FAX: +82-2-735-0614E-MAIL: jokb@buddhism.or.kr