English | Dharma talk marking the end of the winter retreat in the Year of the Blue Snake
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Author Jogye On25-02-12 09:13 Views89 Comments0Related links

Icy Water under Ilseung Bridge Is Even Colder!
Jungbong Seongpa 中峰 性坡, daejongsa
Supreme Patriarch, the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism
浦團兀坐不成眠 Podanoljwa bulseongmyeon
寂寂孤燈壁裡懸 Jeokjeokgodeung beokrihyeon
時有好風吹戶外 Siyuhopung chuihoeui
劫聞松子落庭前 Geopmunsongja rakjeongjeon
Sitting upright and sleepless on a meditation cushion,
With the lonely lantern burning silently on the wall.
A breeze is stirring outside the window at just that moment,
The rustle of pine cones falling in the courtyard.
The meditators, who came from all directions, have completed the three-month winter retreat and are now ready to leave the mountain gate.
As the monastic assembly united themselves and harmoniously devoted themselves to the investigation of hwadus, observing the Pure Rules of the retreat, all the noises of the world faded away, the lanterns shone brightly, and even the sound of pine cones falling in the courtyard could be heard.
It is indeed auspicious that the winter retreat went so smoothly and successfully. We are all blessed to have this opportunity to emulate the wisdom of Sakyamuni Buddha, the Great Teacher of the Three Realms and All Sentient Beings, through ardent practice during this winter. This was made possible by the combined efforts of the patrons and the four-fold community, so everyone deserves praise.
Meditators sit on the cushion sleeplessly and diligently to discover the subtle and mysterious ways to transform the world of confrontation and conflict into the world of tolerance and harmony, and to illuminate the world with their unwavering light to clarify the causes of the problems.
Practitioners ready to leave the mountain gate!
How do you respond when people in the world ask about the spring on Mt. Yeongchuk?
You would answer:
The icy water under Ilseung Bridge is still cold today,
Mt. Yeonghuck reflected in Bogyeong Lake is even more splendid!
見色聞聲是本心 Gyeonsaengmunseong Sibonsim
將金何必更求金 Janggeumhapil gaenggugeum
波無異水君知否 Pamuisu gunjibu
身是全心莫外尋 Sinsijeonsim makeuisim
Seeing the form and hearing the sound is indeed the original nature of the mind.
Why do you seek gold when you already have it?
There is no water other than waves, yet you do not know it.
The body is the mind itself, so do not look for it elsewhere.