Revitalizing and Expanding the Monastic Sangha: Youth is the Keyword > Jogye Order News

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Author Jogye On24-02-01 10:28 Views1,216 Comments0



In 2024, both the Education Bureau and the Propagation Bureau, two of the triumvirate organizations responsible for high-level policy and administrative decisions in the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, have emphasized that they will continue to focus on youth and student outreach and monastic membership expansion this year. As such, the momentum for spreading Buddhism to the youth that was initiated last year is expected to continue in 2024.

On January 23, Ven. Beomhae, the 10th director of the Education Bureau, held a New Year's Press Conference for 2024 (B.E. 2568), declaring that he would solve the challenges facing the Jogye Order by launching a campaign to encourage youth to join the monastic sangha. "Last year, thanks to the full attention of all levels of the Jogye Order and the efforts of the fourfold community through various publicity activities and field counseling, a total of 84 people were initiated into the monastic sangha in 2023, which is a significant increase from 61 people in 2022," said Ven. Beomhae at the press conference. "This year, we will launch new projects to expand monastic membership and continue the initiatives launched last year."

The Education Bureau also plans to promote educational support programs to help those who have newly received monastic ordination to stay on the path, create training courses that lead social trends, translate scriptures written in Chinese characters into Korean, and compile Korean textbooks to inherit and develop the tradition of sangha education.

"Monastic ordination is the foundation of the sangha, while textbooks are the future of Buddhism, and training is what enables propagation to bloom," said Ven. Beomhae, emphasizing the importance of the office's role. "We will continue to gather opinions on which projects should be prioritized in the field and improve them step by step so that we can move forward following the wisdom of the authentic Dharma."


Ven. Seoneop, the 9th Head of the Propagation Bureau, also held the New Year’s press conference on the same day and said, "The Propagation Bureau vows to be reborn on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of its establishment, building on our past achievements." He also said that the Propagation Bureau would provide concrete support to promote Buddhism among young people and university students for the future of the Order and draw tangible results this year by holding regular meetings with the Sangwol Gyeolsa Society and the Special Military District. The Bureau also plans to establish a network to help young Buddhists maintain their identity and continue the project to renovate the old Buddhist halls in universities and expand the scope of scholarship support for college students.

The Propagation Bureau also revealed plans at the press conference to designate November 11 as "Propagation Day" and the 11th of each month as " Propagation Practice Day." The Bureau would continue the development of pilgrimage routes to disseminate the Buddhist culture and expects to add five more this year. 

Some of the key projects that the Propagation Bureau will carry out this year include: installing the official scripture of the Jogye Order on its mobile membership card; developing and distributing practice methods based on Enneagram personality types; strengthening cooperation through meetings between representatives of the Bureau, its affiliated agencies and lay Buddhist organizations; producing and disseminating propagation content such as promotional videos for the four major Buddhist holidays; and updating and developing programs for youth such as "10-Minute Meditation for Youth" or "Active Meditation for Youth.

"I hope that even in this era of secularization, all Buddhists will remember the Buddha's aspiration to spread the Truth and join the 9th Administration of the Propagation Bureau in its efforts," said Ven. Seoneop, 9th Director of the Bureau.

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