Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism

In tune with the age of globalization, Buddhist communities from diverse countries are involved in vigorous cultural exchanges. As the largest order representing Korean Buddhism, the Jogye Order also actively participates in international exchange with diverse international Buddhist groups and organizations. The Order goes to great lengths to introduce Korean Buddhism to the world and fulfill its mission of dharma propagation. Another effort to globalize Korean Buddhism is to introduce Korean Buddhism to expats residing in Korea. In many different ways, the Jogye Order strives to propagate Korean Buddhism far and wide.
Participation in International Events and Cultural Exchanges
In 2012, Korea hosted the 26th Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB), during which the Jogye Order promoted the excellence of Korean Buddhism, and established a platform of friendship and harmony with Buddhist leaders around the world. Since then, the Jogye Order has sent delegates to the biennial WFB conferences.
In 2015, to mark the 70th anniversary of Korean liberation from Japan, the Order held the Prayer Rally for Korean Unification and World Peace. The Rally was attended by 200 delegates representing global Buddhism, and the Order held diverse events to introduce Korea’s Ganhwa Seon tradition, and further the global understanding of Korean Buddhist culture.
Participation in international conferences hosted by foreign Buddhist organizations is an important part in boosting international exchanges. The Jogye Order sends delegates to the annual Vesak Day event, a religious celebration designated by the UN, and an opportunity to cooperate with the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC). The Order also sends delegates to the general assemblies of the World Conference of Religions Peace (WCRP) and the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions hosted by Kazakhstan, in which current issues concerning religious, political, social, and international sectors are discussed with world religious leaders. To enhance friendship among the three northeast Asian nations (China, Korea, and Japan), the Order takes the lead in organizing annual international events, such as the Korea-China-Japan Buddhist Friendship Exchange Conference, the Korea-Japan Buddhist Cultural Exchange Conference, and the Korea-China Buddhist Seon Practice Experiential Exchange Program.
The Jogye Order holds events to globalize Korean Buddhism in collaboration with overseas Korean cultural institutes and to promote Buddhist culture, including: the Templestay program, temple food, traditional cultural performances, and Buddhist cultural experiences. Some of these events are: the “Yeondeunghoe Exhibition and Publication Party for Jikji, the French Edition” in Paris (2022); “A Day of Korean Buddhist Culture” in Los Angeles (2019); “Event to Globalize Korean Buddhism” in Sydney (2012); and “Event to Globalize Korean Buddhism” in Paris (2011).
By providing opportunities to experience Korean traditional Buddhism for foreign ambassadors and diplomatic staff stationed in Korea, the Order also strengthens its role as a goodwill ambassador based on cultural exchanges.
Support for International Dharma Propagation
The Jogye Order also produces English publications to introduce Korean cultural properties. These include: The Seon Masters of Korea, which showcases the lineages of Korean Seon; and The Collected Writings of Gyeongheo(Poems & Prose), which presents the writings of Master Gyeongheo, a great Seon monk who revived Korean Buddhism in the modern era. In addition, the Order published The Collected Works of Korean Buddhism, consisting of 13 volumes in Korean and English. In 2021, it revised and republished Jikji in Korean and English editions (originally published in 2005), and a French edition of same in 2022.
In addition, the Order publishes its official quarterly magazine titled Lotus Lantern to introduce Korean Buddhism to the world, and distributes it to major temples and Buddhist organizations around the world. The Order continues to promote and inform global citizens about Korean Buddhism by operating its website in three foreign languages: English, Chinese, and Japanese (