English | Dallas Bohyeonsa Temple Started Avatamska sutra lecture and supported religious mendicancy marathon
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Author Jogye On24-07-04 15:01 Views987 Comments0Related links
May 21, Dalla Bohyeonsa Temple started lecture of Avatamska sutra. Starting this semester, also started online Zoom lecture for those who can’t attend.
Abbot Venerable Jiam said "I hope you will pay a lot of attention and participate in the Avatamska sutra lecture that combines Korean Seon at Bohyeonsa Temple" and emphasized the importance of learning.
Meanwhile, on May 30, Buddhists of Bohyeonsa Temple in Dallas drove for 11 hours through the Medford area of Oklahoma to support Venerable Jinoh's ‘2024 Religious Mendicancy Marathon to help children in Vietnam’ campaign.