Cool Wind Blowing from the Forest of Dancing Pine Trees Purifies the World of Suffering > Korean Zen

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Dharma Talk | Cool Wind Blowing from the Forest of Dancing Pine Trees Purifies the World of Suffering

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Author Jogye On24-01-24 09:34 Views11,611 Comments0


H.E. Jungbong Seongpa 
Supreme Patriarch of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism

The Jajang plum tree, named after Master Jajang, sheds its winter leaves in front of the pavilion enshrining the bygone lineage masters so that it can herald the fragrant arrival of the spring; the brook in front of the Vajra Steps flows through the valley to carry the news of the mountain to the outside world.   

The assembly of ordained monastics is immersed in the 3-month winter retreat, working together harmoniously whether they focus on spiritual practice or the administration of the temple so that they can courageously go forth into the world to extinguish the fire that is burning down houses and provide the sweet nectar that will quench the terrible thirst of the sentient beings.      

If you arouse an ardent wish for the happiness of all beings from the originally pure nature of the mind, this defiled world is in fact the Pure Land of the Buddha. Then, the mind that is inherently undefiled reveals itself, and all kinds of illnesses disappear on their own and crises turn into opportunities. If we are awakened to the truth that you and I have never been separate, we realize how precious all encounters we have in this world are, eliminating all causes of conflicts and confrontations. 

Where defilements cease, the wisdom that goes beyond all boundaries manifests and the grounds for the happiness of all beings are set.

Sesa naebulyeon 細思乃不然
Jingyo bihwanyeong 眞巧非幻影
Yokryeong beopeomyo 欲令法語妙
Buyeom gongchajeong 不厭空且靜
Jeonggo ryogundong 靜故了群動
Gonggo napmangyeong 空故納萬境

Deep reflection reveals that it is not so. 
A true manifestation is never an illusion. 
To create the words that will carry the profound and subtle Truth,
One should not renounce emptiness and stillness.
All movements make sense only because of stillness, 
All forms can exist only within emptiness. 

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